Terms of Service

Here you can find all the information about my commissions. Read this before you order a commission!

I don't draw: real people, furry/animals, mecha, nsfw

I don't draw realism or real people, I only draw in my own style.

Headshot - about chest-high
Portrait - up to the elbows/waist
Half body - up to the hip
Knee up - above/below the knee

Waiting list and queue

1. You can take a commission slot in advance (if slots are available) to be on the waiting list.
2. You can see the available slots, your queue and progress here.
3. If you want to move the slot to another time or cancel the commission - let me know!
4. I don't charge money for a place on the waiting list, payment is made only when i start work.


1. FULL PREPAYMENT when i start work. Don't pay until I tell you the total amount.
2. Payment via HIPOLINK. You can pay via PayPal.
3. NO REFUNDS! Hipolink service does not provide refunds. Be sure you want that commission.

When you pay for commission through the Hipolink/Boosty, in your PayPal history you can see transfers to the services "MY.GAMES B.V." and "My.com B.V." - these are all Boosty services, so don't worry about it!

Sometimes it happens that Boosty doesn't want to make a payment for whatever reason. You can try splitting the payment into several parts, it often helps.

What can I charge extra for?

1. Additional items such as weapons, tattoo, wings, detailed decorations, detailed clothing/armor, complex background extra $10-$40.
2. Additional character + 100%.
3. For large and complex changes in the drawing (this does not include color changes or other minor changes). If the work is completed and you notice a mistake that I made, you can safely speak and I'll fix this error (for free)
4. For commercial use +50% of the total cost. For example: commission for a book cover, where two characters in half a body + a forest background. Such work will cost approximately $220 for art + $110 for commercial use.
Only full render are available for commercial use, so that the art is as neat and detailed as possible!

Information I need to get started

1. Character references (where i can see all main colors and details): hairstyle, outfit, skin, eyes, hair color and body type (if it's important), scars, wings, tattoos, weapons, etc.
2. Pose and face expression
You can describe emotion or show a reference. A reference for the pose is required if it is not a portrait. If you don't have a reference for a pose, you can detail what your character's pose should look like.
3. Background (if you need it)
You can send sample references for the background or describe what you want to see. All your wishes will be taken into account!
If you didn't provide details, you didn't describe the pose, the character's emotions it means I can exercise my creative freedom. Please, if you want to see a concrete result, describe in detail what you want to see, otherwise I will draw to my taste.About a new kind of commission (character sketch sheet) - this type of commission includes headshot, portrait and knee-up art. The difference between my basic commissions and the "character sketch sheet" is a simpler rendering and a bit and slight sloppiness (which is why this type of commission is called a "sketch").

The process

I start working after payment. Usually the sketch is ready within a week or two, depending on the complexity of the work. Deadline 1-2 month.1. Sketch. At the sketch stage you can make any edits. But please try to lay out all the details that need to be changed at once!
2. After you approve the sketch, I make a lineart/clean sketch and add the base colors. At this stage i can change the colors that you don't like or add additional details. Analyze the drawing well and tell me what you don't like so that I can fix it.
3. The next stage is rendering. At the rendering stage you cannot make changes (for example, change the position of the hand, hairstyle, etc.), because the work is completed. All changes can be made only in the first two stages! If you still want to make changes after the rendering stage, I can charge you extra.

If you still have questions, you can contact me ↓